Top things to see in Argentario

Top things to see in Argentario

Top tourist attractions in Argentario: sightseeing routes and excursions in Argentario and surroundings

Porto Santo Stefano

Monte Argentario – Porto Santo Stefano

The main seaside village of Argentario.
Porto Santo Stefano

Porto Ercole

Monte Argentario - Porto Ercole

A famous village of summer holidays.
Porto Ercole

The Beaches

The Beaches

Long beach but also many little beautiful bay.
Argentario Beaches

Panoramic Coastal Road

Panoramic Coastal Road
Beautiful road runs along the side of the promontory overlooking the sea.

Ancient Fortress

Ancient Fortress

Fortress built for defense in 1400-1500.

Capo d'Omo Tower with cliff and climbing routes

Cliff of Capo d'Uomo and climbing routes

Great cliff overlooking the sea equipped for climbing. On the top there are the ruins of the ancient tower.

Monastery of the Passionist Fathers and Summit of Monte Argentario

Monastery, little church and summit at 645 meters above sea level.

Nature Reserve Duna Feniglia

Nature Reserve Duna Feniglia

Protected area populated by many deer.

The mystery of Caravaggio's death solved


Caravaggio died of malaria in Monte Argentario - Porto Ercole (Tuscan coastal town) in 1610 and he was buried there. After a year-long investigation, italian researchers have identified the bones of Caravaggio and today they are exhibit in a funerary ark in the cemetery of Porto Ercole.

Coastal Towers

Coastal Towers

Ancient watchtowers.

Argentario Polo Club

Argentario Polo Club located in località Le Piane in a beautiful frame setting by the sea.

Argentario accomodation and services:

The Tuttomaremma Recommends